Thursday, September 3, 2015

Alfie Fisher, An Inspiration

This year I met Alfie Fisher.
I have seen him whenever I attend the Patty Pollatos FUNonomon.
 He is a true inspiration. 
He has had a very active life, in Frederick, MD,
including volunteering at Independent Hose Company 1,
being a mentor for younger boys, skateboarding,
dirt biking, fishing, and riding bulls.
In a 2008 auto accident, he lost the use of his legs. That has not put him down. 
He is still involved in the International Bull Riders Association,
and teaches bull riding at the J bar W Ranch in Johnsville. 

Alfie Fisher

Alfie Fisher

Alfie Fisher, watching the ride.

For more information about Alfie, check out this link.

1 comment:

  1. I really miss Alfie! I remember giving him a ride years ago before his accident. An having some really great conversations with him. I really wish I stayed in touch with him over the years! After not seeing him for years on end, I always kept him in my memories because he was such a great kind-hearted person with great conversation and amazing good looks. :) I remember running into a lady at Walmart who knew through Alfie just a few years ago and told me about his tragic accident. I was at a complete shock. I am so glad to hear he is doing so well recuperating from his injury and still helping people. He is such a great man in so many ways. Miss you Alfie Fisher!
